
Retired sound engineer who loves music from the 60's & early 70's.

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Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Moby Grape - Grape Live {Unreleased 1968 Live Album} [A Prof. Stoned Comp]

pass: profstoned


  1. Can't wait to hear this! Thank you.

  2. Thanks so much - great band. I saw them live before Skip Spence's breakdown.

  3. Thank you for the Moby Grape. I've got the Wow album (bought it back in '68) but somehow the Jam record got lost. Much appreciation for your work. Everything you do is well done.

    dr blues

  4. I... haven't heard any of this. Wow!

  5. Thanks ! It sounds really great !!

  6. Thanks very much. A great group.

  7. So looking forward to this live gem from this supremely ill-starred band.

  8. This is gonna be good. thank you so much once again Prof!

  9. I look forward to your posts. Whatever it happens to be, whether Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, or even Moby Grape, I know I'm in for a satisfying listen.

    Moby Grape is an excellent example of a band that was mishandled from the start. Add into that the perfect storm of psychedelic drugs and a fragile band leader and, well, we know the history. You had me going with the whole "unreleased" back story. I was thinking to myself, "Yeah, but hey, wait a minute..."

    You certainly have a set of ears on you, which as I was taught long ago in recording engineering school, are the most important tools you have in the studio. If it don't sound good to your ears, then it don't sound.

    And now to my suggestion. I have none. Just keep on. That's all.

    Thanks, brah!

  10. Prof, First off, I love the album cover ! Any reason for the catalogue number of CS 18128? I've heard the Dark Boot Magic versions of the Monterey Pop Festival (via Simond9x of The Woodstock Project) and yours is a beautiful improvement. Never listened to the Sundazed release because ever since the Cap't Beefheart debacle of "Safe As Milk" I just don't get too excited about the releases ...just don't trust them as I used to. So glad you put your hand to this !!!

  11. thank you prof!!!!!!!!!

  12. very cool, thank you for this!!

  13. Thanks again Prof for all your great work.

  14. Prof please keep GOING. Your posts are getting better all the time.

  15. Thank you again Prof - it reminds me to "dark magic" double-cd, that I got back in the 90's, cheers, Karl

  16. This is exciting. I listened to the Sundaze version of their 1st not too long ago and thought it was a big improvement but I see you have a version so will check it out. This should be a fun listen. Their other live recordings are pretty great too.

  17. instant download for me, such a good band both in the studio and live, thanks so much Prof

  18. To quote the title of the 2nd MG LP, WOW! (I just picked up the Wow/Grape Jam double on the weekend, so this is a real treat, thanks Prof!

  19. Thanks Professor!

  20. I love the Grape so much, almost as much as you do, Professor. This is a real treasure, many thanks!

  21. Many thanks kind Professor!

  22. Prof, you are an endless source of giving - what can we give you back? Our generic thanks seem a bit shallow.

  23. Once again, this is just wonderful. Thank you so much, Professor

  24. Coming here via Doom & Gloom from the Tomb -- many thanks! looks awesome

  25. Looks great! Apparently, I need it as an mp3. Oh, well...

  26. Eternal love for this brilliant, vastly underrated, karmically-challenged band

  27. Great collection! Thanks for posting. Best, James

  28. Thanks very much - lovely!

  29. Love the Grape and Spence. Excited for this. Sent over by Doom and Gloom. Thanks!

  30. Thank you, this is a rare delight. I saw Moby Grape many times in San Francisco and was always blown away by how good they were. The three guitarists worked together to great an awesome sound. The rhythm section was tight, and could swing.

    Bob W.

  31. I'm excited to give this a listen -- thank you again!!!

  32. Like others, I love the band but have been somewhat disappointed with the live recordings. Thanks so much for this. Excellent track listing, as well.

  33. Thank you for this. Like many commenting here I love the band and have been disappointed in the live releases that have been available. A very nice track listing as well.

  34. This is an unauthorized bootleg of copyrighted material.. The band gets nothing, but anyone distributing it will likely get their butt sued bigtime!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. If you can identify yourself as someone who protects the rights of the band, or even if only a family member or such, I'll be happy to remove it. I do not wanna make any MG members unhappy or feel like they're being ripped off again.

  35. Thanks. ***** Moby Grape's debut is my favorite rock record.

  36. Thanks very much for the live Grape CD and all of your other efforts!

  37. First off, thanks for this. Really nice work that sounds great. One note though: Hey Grandma was not the opening song at Monterey. The footage on the DVD is edited to make it appear that way, but there's a contemporary account of the show that confirms Indifference was the first song performed. I'm not sure if you deliberately wanted Hey Grandma segregated from the stereo tracks or thought it really was the first track, but I thought I'd let you know.

  38. Thanks for giving this the PS treatment

  39. Thanks again Prof! Excellent as always...

  40. Thank you! I'm very excited for this!

  41. Thank you for posting this

  42. Thanks so much for this. Looking forward to digging into it (and diggiong it)!

  43. you Sir, are a genuine wizard. Thank you.

  44. Prof, your work is invaluable.I'm so glad you do it. Boundless Thanks, good sir.

  45. Prof Stoned, thank you for all your work. This sounds really good. I am playing it tonight in honor of Jerry Miller who passed away yesterday.
